So Gia and Jim both came over today and we were able to make a ton of progress on the giant path project. Basically I am having to dig out and replace all the rock paths and gravel areas around my house because the original landscaper just cut back the sod and put half an inch of gravel over the dirt. So we have to dig them out to 6 inches, put down a hefty layer of newspapers to kill any deep growing weeds and then backfill with decomposed granite and an inch of pea gravel on top.
I forgot to take a before picture, but here is a picture of one of the other paths that we haven't gotten to yet to give you an example of how awful it was.
And here is the current in process picture. Last week we scraped up all the gravel and went to dump it at my friends place. This week we started the digging and I was amazed by what we accomplished in just a couple of hours. We had to take two loads of dirt away to dump during the process.
And one more little personal accomplishment. I finally got my little messages framed and figured out a way to mount them on my bathroom mirror. The little frames came in a set of three from Target and I had to take the hanging brad off the back and replace it with foam mounting tape. It feels very good to have them back up where I see them several times a day.
The first just says "I love you". A lot of people talk about hearing God's voice but I never really do, I guess I am thick enough that I mostly see his impact in hindsight in my life. The only time I ever heard a voice that I thought was God, all it said was "I love you".
The second says "Your heart is pure, your mind clear, and soul devout." which was a fortune that came to me at the end of a long dinner conversation about life direction. Whether or not it really applies to me at any moment is in doubt, but for me it's a case of "Act as if" it did, and maybe someday it will.
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