Friday, February 13, 2009

Lunch with the Evil Uncle

Well, I didn't get to blog yesterday because I was being too productive. (Isn't that exciting). I got a great start on the clay mask sculptures that I am going to use to cast mask making forms. I also helped my friend DW work on a pattern for a lovely 13th century dress which I am completely going to steal for myself.

However the highlight of yesterday was taking my dear friend and adopted uncle, David to lunch. We went to Madola's italian market which reminds me a lot of the lovely little cafes in Europe particularly in their wonderful pastry case which is just so beautiful I had to take a picture of it. I had a lovely salad niscoise (definitely my favorite it Austin.) and so I could share some of the delightful goodies with David.

I was also able to get down to fourth street to Armadillo Clay and get the special Hydrocal paster for casting the mask forms for the Tempest masks. So I started shaping the clay forms for casting.

I built up rough areas of clay on the life cast and then smoothed them out and shaped them with some basic tool and my finger until I got the effect I was looking for. The white clay is Sculpy and the Yellow clay is Plasticina Medium. The Sculpy was much easier to work because the Plasticina was crumbly and did not bond well with itself. I hope the Sculpy does OK and doesn't deform in the casting process because I much prefer it. I can't cast till saturday because I'm hoping to have my hubby's help to figure out the Plaster process, and so today I'll be trying to create the message in a bottle to use as promotional material for the Tempest. So I'm off to the paper store to find a good base paper.

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