Thursday, February 26, 2009

Get Out of Your Self

Today was the first good day in about a week and a half since I started getting sick. It is very strange but I swear that this last cold really affected me emotionally as well as physically. I saw my friend DW again today, who was the generous person who gave me the cold, and asked about her symptoms and she mentioned the exact same thing. She said that it didn't last very long congestion wise  but that she was exhausted and emotionally messed up for several days. 

I actually had quite a bit of energy and managed to finish a second Earth Elemental mask, and almost finish the second Goddess mask. I'll put up a picture tomorrow morning as soon as I polish off the last bit on that Goddess. I also helped DW perfect her 14th century dress pattern so that she can start cutting fabric. I also got a copy of the pattern so that I can alter it for myself. I have some lovely yellow linen that I think would make a wonderful cotehardie with some of the pewter buttons we have cast on the sleeves and a dark brown belt with pewter findings. DW also brought over lovely food, brownies, and beer and so I was very happy.

Then this evening I was able to take the masks over to fencing and show a friend of my husband's who has done a lot of work with leather hardening. As soon as I get this project out of my life then I am going to have to go to Jerry's Art-O-Rama and find some real rabbit skin glue and traditional, non-acrylic gesso. He gave me a lot of great things to read and so I'm looking forward to having time to go through them.

I also was able to get back to my Bible study for the first time in a month, and what a gift that group of people is to me. I never have had a women's group before and it is such a warm, nurturing, supportive environment. I also had a realization afterward as I was helping someone try to work though a really hard problem, that sometimes the bright side of the darkness we go through in our lives is that having been though it, we can help others find their way. It was a tremendous blessing to get out of my self for a while and in to compassion for another person.

The picture is one that I took two summers ago of the Labyrinth of the Cathedral at Amiens seen from a window in the Organ Loft. It seemed to express the way I have felt this week. With great thanksgiving for another day on the journey, I wend my way to bed. 

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