Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Featured on Jewelry by Tara

Hey friends,

I have been featured at Tara's blog is lovely, as is her shop at

I'm somewhat stuck in the fix and promote my shop blues. It seeps like I am so busy actually trying to make masks that the constant time it take to do all the work to make the Etsy shop work well is just exhausting. I also don't really know if it is looking good enough that I can advertise it, or if I should. Anyway, it is really difficult to navigate my way through these choices and try and find a good balance of time spent.

In other news I'm trying to finish up three Anglican rosaries today for my lovely ladies at church and then work on forming a bunch of masks. I finally cast the skull mask in plaster and now I just have to clean the mold to see if it will work. Too much to do, but still having fun.

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