Well, I finally got all the casting done for my show. It was amazing. We ran two weekends of auditions and it ran beautifully because my producer is fantastic. I did a lot of prep work between the two weekends, and after the second weekend, I was able to get the casting done in a day.
And then all hell broke loose. Apparently certain people felt they were entitled to a part in my play and didn't get one. Other people thought they should have gotten a bigger part. Other people thought that this person or that person shouldn't have gotten a part. It just has turned into a big snarling mess. So I have spent almost a week sitting people down person by person and talking through problems, and of course doing what I always do and worrying way too much.
I worked so hard to make a fair set up for auditions, which would value both peoples feelings and their time. Since so many of the audition process I have been through have been awful, I tried really hard to make it something joyful, with a learning component. It is so sad to me that some people can take the disappointment of not getting a part and turn it into such a dark place, and forget everything else that I have brought into their lives.
But anyway, at least most of the turmoil has settled and I am moving forward and so excited about how everything is looking. People are already memorizing lines and asking me about their characters, and I love the discussions that are beginning to happen.
I think that this process is really going to change me as a person. I already know that my feelings will be very different the next time I walk into audition for someone else. I think I'll feel more sorry for the director than afraid for myself.
We are taking a big trip next week to the fabric district in Dallas to buy fabric for the costumes. I can't wait to start seeing it all come together.
Any more news?